Thursday, April 15, 2010

Its April 15th kiddies....

Today is the last day to send Uncle Sam ya ''moneys" n forms (p.s he knows about the money in the shoebox under the bed), time to claim all of Cousin Ray Ray's kids...and for those of you who have already filed....yall "seasonal ballers" just don't know how to act...buying things you just don't need when your credit score is a 15 doesn't make sense...c' your bills isn't the time to buy Gucci trash bags...and Fendi toilet paper...or even 24'' rims for your 1995 acura legend...Don't have any outstanding bills??? How 'bout you INVEST YOUR MONEY!!! (Stocks, Bonds, real estate, or a college fund for your children)...I know that Indian remi jheri-curl 24 inch looks silky smooth in the display case...but ask yourself....what would Jesus do? LOL

I'm Rich B*tch,