Friday, April 16, 2010

Hungry?.... Y wait?.....

Change is HERE people!!!!!!!
Our President is hard at work for the people, and yes even KOONS are considered people. For all of you KOONS who only voted for him because of the light tint of brown on his face, he knows who yall are and YES, HE DOES DELIVER....

On my MOMMA, On my HOOD,


Anyone for cheese "doodoos" n Hotfries?

So when is it "just say no'?

(Taps on mic) ATTENTION EVERYONE #Shoutout to the special guest tonite Mama Cee-Lo...

Sista Shabazz....please lend the sista in on the left ur she can cover up that jacked hairline...Thanks....

Man....F8ck deez....

I found this mini prince charming on a social networking site page....(aint one of my friends)... and the mother was so proud of her son...she decided to post this picture of him...AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE.... #EPICFAIL IN PARENTING...


Looks precious like a lil baybeeeee

Oooooo gosh........ IT MOVES!!!! (side eye)....GOTDAMMIT them Koreans keep on winning...with all this female koon shit wonderful hair products and give those who f*cked up their hair with other haircare products a second chance....

P.s. and whats the deal with black folk and baby hair?Thanks Qwonda....and her 'moving' baby hair... BeanZ

Can you hear me now?

I'm with the white man in the back...I'm too through...I'm wavin the damn white flag.....AUNT VICKY!!! uncle victor its time you take that Milky way indian remi jheri curl out...and work on ur edges...I can't and you shouldnt either...

The Koreans won this round,


Gimmie $20, Gimmie $20....come one...come all...and come get your cousins...(click on pics to enlarge)

Get them Easter colors poppin Hunnay! (check out my dude with the pink stockings)

Death to the inventor of lace front wigs...(especially blond ones) I can't and you shouldn't either!

Please tell your cousin D'Kwon to get it together...Thanks

So ur practically naked...but you keep them socks on?

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Here we go people,
What is going on in the playgrounds across america.....are our children safe wit these koons all over the place?
It's one thing to be resourceful, but it's another thing to be climbing all over place and looking like NATURAL BORN ASSASSINS.... "MONKEYS!!!! Look they're everywhere", said the white man walking the French poodle..smh..and once again...before 8pm...

personally terrified,



Its April 15th kiddies....

Today is the last day to send Uncle Sam ya ''moneys" n forms (p.s he knows about the money in the shoebox under the bed), time to claim all of Cousin Ray Ray's kids...and for those of you who have already filed....yall "seasonal ballers" just don't know how to act...buying things you just don't need when your credit score is a 15 doesn't make sense...c' your bills isn't the time to buy Gucci trash bags...and Fendi toilet paper...or even 24'' rims for your 1995 acura legend...Don't have any outstanding bills??? How 'bout you INVEST YOUR MONEY!!! (Stocks, Bonds, real estate, or a college fund for your children)...I know that Indian remi jheri-curl 24 inch looks silky smooth in the display case...but ask yourself....what would Jesus do? LOL

I'm Rich B*tch,

I count chips like Count dracula....

Its about that time knew...Miss Minaj's shuckery would surface on this website...welp THERE IS A GOD...someone has finally challenged the barbie leader to do better. I'm not condoning the violence mentioned in the female rapper Keys' lyrics.....BUT....somebody's gotta do the dirty work. Enjoy I will keep you updated! #TeamKeys..

Young Money,

Keys Freestyle POW!

Nicki's Response

and then Keys Responds...POW BAM BOOM! "umpa lumpa"....


O-tay is right...Its about that time folks.... I hope you've learned much...If not, I'll teach that a**....Until we meet again....


So you wanna be a playa huh?

Great marketing idea....most black people are lets make a cassette tape for them to play with the instructions (mean sideeye here) ....please tell me this isn't real....

For God's Sake,

Call me so I can make it Juicy for ya!

Did he just take a bite from that Watermelon and say "Lawd...have mercy (juicy mouthed)" #Jesustakethewheel....

Please Pray for Bro. Petey....he's working on bringing down his blood pressure

Please send help,

Hot Sausages?

#dieslow....."Why must I cryyyyyy"


Everest College Commercial - Hood Variant

A Junior Lawyer = Paralegal....#dead

Yo Yo Yo

Your daily dose of positivity...."I used to be a dirty diva"....I've had enough!


Diggy Simmons | Made You Look Freestyle

So just to make sure you don't think that we are all about the negative....Here's a bright young man who is very talented and truly has the mind of an entrepreneur. I Support "Diggy" Simmons. Enjoy!

Please don't fail me,

International Koonery

*50 cent laugh*
Can't knock his know what....Lol I'm making this a featured post! POW



I can't and you shouldn't either....see and this is why she can't sell records...(uncle joey style.... "cut it out")

I heard the UniverSOUL Circus is hiring

So this is what we do in the club now?!

Mama would be proud!


............. wherever you are..... #YOUNEEDYAASSBEAT...(wherever IT is..) This is what i'm talking about, this is clearly before 8pm....I cant help you, if you don't wanna help yourself....



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This goes out to the beautiful girlsss....

....which one of yall...(in trey songz voice)....thats right people aren't the only ones who display instances of coonage....

United We Stand,



So I'm not sure if I can label this coonage....however I felt uneasy with the lil porker singing into a banana and shuckin' n jivin.... you be the judge...

I guess,


MoMents OF RefLECtion

Hello, I am here to give my strong opinion of KOON activity in society. PERSONALLY, I fully condone it with boundaries. Like always, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt or the MAN is at your door with the cuffs. PEOPLE (black and Spanish descent) we canNOT come out of the house ("casa" for the spanish community) with ALL of our backs out, its not right. Yall trynna put us back in house dresses and bandanas, I cant go back to that. PEOPLE we canNOT be 20+ in age with no diploma/ GED, all i can say to that is, #YOUNEEDYAASSBEAT. And lastly, PEOPLE we canNOT display such KOON activities before 8pm, because the MAN is still in KOON judging mode. We can't make it so easy for them. NOW that is just a short list of reasons PEOPLE. I loooove KOONING around with the best of em, but you gotta KNOW your BOUNDARIES.

we gotta do better

Yours Truly,



(silence)...........(clears throat)...ehhhhemmm.... I don't even know where to start......Parenting #epicfail! First off kids don't learn that from sesame street! They learn that from either the television or their sperm and egg donors (aka their parents)! I can't imagine any "Real" parent watching their daughter P*$$Y pop on a wall during a birthday party and be O.K with it. Her mother should have snatched her up by her ankle and shake the coonery out of her.... Folks....this is devastating....



It's "Barbie" Coonage at its best! Brielle Chloe Chanel & an LSS Voguing Train (Pt. I)

Personally, I can't deal with the fact that HIS (there is no way that's a woman) top row and bottom row of teeth will never touch. This "Barbie" right here is far from "Mattel" brand...I can't deal with the "magnum rainstorm" ,the blond wig, pink lips, or the lisp and that he's 21! ...(you can thank Miss Minaj for that). I can't...and you shouldn't either. Do better!


Yours truly,

"All Coons Look Alike to Me"

Its true...all coons do look me at least LOL ...However I am not talking about coons in the same sense that Ernest Hogan was referring to "everyday black folk" of his time. I'm talking about the real "Koons" of the 21st century...those (especially if you are black) who make you just shake your head...make you turn the channel...those that the news anchors love to do stories about...those that take black people back 50 years! You know who they are...and if you don't we will be sure to present them to you...not to glorify 'em...but to encourage the black community to do better...and expect better from our entertainers...(and I can't front...yea for comedic enjoyment as well). Enjoy!

Yours Truly,

KoonJewce n Beanz